Life @ SOM

A Students experience at School of Management (SOM) is fascinating; it goes far beyond the reaches of pure academic training, encompassing an all – round development of mind, body and spirit. The best thing about SOM is that there’s always a perfect environment to suit your mood. . For those who find comfort only when mobbed by books, there are thousands of them waiting at the SOM library. And online access is always a click away! If you’re in the mood for a walk, the pristine foliage is just what you need. If you want to give those calf muscles some exercise, head to the basketball courts for a quick two on two.

SOM throws so many at you and that too all the same time, that in just a couple of months, you are already a multi-tasking expert and half a manager. It’s a bit strange at first but gradually you get accustomed to it. A student’s typical day begins with classes starting from 8 A.M. Classes are a completely different story though. The exhaustion, rustiness & drowsiness suddenly vanish into thin air as we hear of ‘surprise pre-class Quiz’. Post quiz, we get to see some excellent class participation (CP). Typically classes end by 5 P.M; we have guest lectures after the classes as a part of our extracurricular activities.

Hey wait! You thought this is it? This is just the beginning. In fact the real fun starts now! For now comes the Herculean task of completing the pending assignments, presentation and reports due for the next day. By the time you leave the room it’s already 7:30 P.M. It is definitely a nail in the coffin for driving out laziness from the students. But this is just an interval in a long movie on a typical day. In our room too, it is not abnormal to see people discussing and studying until 3:30 AM or late. There after you crush into the bed and fake out into oblivion.

As we hit the weekend, we are full of hope for recharging our batteries.
Life at SOM, Warangal in summary is a kaleidoscope of lectures by industry people, quizzes, surprise tests; midterms and end term exams, projects, term papers and so on. The most important lesson that students learn from SOM Warangal is to be confident always. Attendance is also a significant factor.

They say hard work pays; And SOM students experience first-hand how well it actually pays! Never in the wildest of dreams can a student imagine how amazing life at SOM Warangal could be..

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